This College of Exploration CoExplorer page on Water is created by the in preparation for a course or courses on Water.
There are many reasons why we need to restore our respect to, and relation with, water as the giver of life.
Here is one reason why:
and here is a another
In This Town, Only The Rich Get Water
CoExplorer Contributions
This link contributed by students from Ms. Platt’s class and Meghen, Lauren, Sam, and Fiona.
They used this CoExplorer Water page for their water project and sent us this suggested link. Thank you.
13 Feb 2024. This link contributed by Amelia and her father who found it together for a project with students organized by Helen Garraway and the Fullers Library The site includes a great breakdown on water conservation, rain gardens and the benefits of utilizing rainwater.
They used this CoExplorer Water page for their water project and sent us this suggested link. Thank you.
Water as Holy Presence
Water as Life Blood
Personal Water
Water as System
Water Education
What We Know about Water: A Water Literacy Review
Here is a link for a EPA public webinar on January 20, 2022, https://www.epa.gov/watershedacademy/hows-my-waterway-january-2022-webcast
A group called enviroatlas at EPA has educational materials on watersheds:https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas/enviroatlas-educational-materials
NOAA Bay Watershed B-WET https://www.noaa.gov/office-education/bwet
United States of America Water
EPA Freshwater Explorer https://epa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=13fe4698f35d4a95ba9dfe6f8033f735
United Kingdom Water
Freshwater Watch https://eip.ceh.ac.uk/hydrology/freshwaterwatch/?thames
College of Exploration / CoExplorer Project Related Projects:
https://www.coexplorer.org/coast-card/. Coast Card
https://www.coexplorer.org/ccc-nsf-project/. Smart and Connected Coastal Communities
International Organizations
Proposed Water Museum: Water in Movement
New York TedX on Water
Water-like anomalies as a function of tetrahedrality Proceedings of the National Academies USA
The anomalies and criticality of liquid water Proceedings of the National Academies USA
Water Structure and Science As at 4 Jan 2022, this Water Structure and Science website has 54 MB, 315 webpages, 5,271 references, >30,000 links, >320,000 words, >1,800 images, and >120 3-D visualization and animation files.
Water: Structure and Properties, Kim Sharp , E. R. Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Water and Religion
Water Sources
Equipment Providers and Companies
College of Exploration Workshops and Courses
Curriculums and Lessons Plans from the Web