The Logosofia Process: Structured Democratic Dialogue Training & Symposion
Facilitator Training: October 21 – 22, 2024 Facilitator Symposion: October 23 – 25, 2024
For more information about Structured Deliberation see
Social System Design – A self-paced course.
The course was given to the College of Exploration by the author Gorden Dyer in 2016. Much of the design of the course is based on the work of Bela Banathy Sr.

Dr. James Grier Miller interviews systems scientists.
Recorded sometime in 1980. Cost: $100
1. Dr Miller is interviewed by Dr. Kjell Samuelson
2. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Kjell Samuelson
3. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Margaret Mead
4. Not available
5. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Kenneth Boulding
6. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Robert Ericson
7. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Jay Forrester
8. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Wally Lontief
9. Video by Dr. Richard Gerrard
10. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Howard Odum
11. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Farokh Mistree
12. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Ilya Prigogene
13. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Anatol Rapoport
14.Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Paul Samuelson
15. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Herbert Simon
16. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. B.f. Skinner Part one and Part Two
17. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. G.A.Swanson
18. Dr. Miller interviews Dr. Len troncale
The original VHS Tapes were given to the International Society for the Systems Sciences and are available to be viewed by members for free. The College of Exploration digitized the tapes with the agreement it could offer this course of tapes for a fee.. Any revenue from this site will go directly to pay for the digitization and the streaming service. Any remaining will be put to other systems thinking courses development.