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Virginia S. Little Ph.D.

8425 Oakside St.

Portage, Michigan 49002

email: drvirginialittle@aol.com

homepage: http://www.tmn.com/~vlittle




Doctor of Integral Studies/Learning and Change in Human Systems: California Institute of Integral Studies/School for Transformative Learning/Learning and Change in Human Systems. Graduation date: Nov, 2000.

Masters in Education: January, 1979. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Reading Specialist

Bachelor of Arts: June, 1978. University of Arizona. Major in English Education/Minor in Reading (extensive coursework in Psychology and Sociology).

Extended graduate coursework in Teaching English as a Second Language, 1992, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Career History

1979-1981: Learning Plus, Tucson, Arizona. Privately owned school and learning center. Duties included diagnostic evaluation, instructional remediation and program development in reading with students from K-university levels.

1981-1984: Alta Sierra Preparatory School, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Developed Reading and English curriculum.

Classroom Teacher

Grades 7-8: Basic English and Reading

Grades 9-10: Literature and Composition

Grades 11-12: Advanced College Prep English

Lake Tahoe Community College, Lake Tahoe, California. Instructor in the Learning Center in addition to teaching courses in Literature and Composition and Writing Research.


1984-1989: Vine Alternative High school, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Developed Reading and Technology curriculum.

Classroom Teacher

Grades 7-8: Remedial Reading

Grades 9-10: Survival Skills Reading

Grades 11-12: Advanced Composition and Literature

Reading the Word and the World


1989-1990: The American Community School, Cobham, England (25 miles southwest of London) International School where I developed sixth grade Reading and English curriculum. Primary teacher for entire program. Organized and facilitated full group excursions to Wales and The Netherlands.

1990-1991 : South Middle School, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Classroom Teacher

Grades 7-8: Reading

Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Instructor of Achievement Plus Program in Reading and Personal Development Courses. Facilitated seminars and retreats. Individualized counseling.


Fall 1996: Education for the Arts: Literary Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Creation, implementation and assessment of

Creative Writers on the Net program. Primary teacher, facilitator, and researcher of online creative writing program

for grades 7-12.


Summer 1998 to present: Director, primary facilitator and researcher for BEAT St., online virtual learning center as part of The College of Exploration. http://www.coexploration.org


University Teaching Experiences


Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Adjunct instructor for English 373: Psycholinguistics and the

Reading Process, undergraduate sections. Co-teacher for graduate level course English 673: Psycholinguistics and

Reading Process with Dr. Constance Weaver. Included classroom research in linguistic analyses of writing process of

ESL students.


1992-1993: California State University/San Marcos, San Diego, California. Instructor for Reading Methods and Teaching of Secondary Education Writing Process.

1993-1994: University of San Diego, San Diego, California. Teacher-educator, literacy educator. Fall 1993: Education 134E, 234E, Teaching of Reading and Reading Process. Undergraduate and graduate courses. Spring 1994: Education 134E: Teaching Methods of Reading. Online coursework as part of all program instruction.

1994-1996: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Teacher-educator, adjunct faculty. English 373, Psycholinguistics and the Reading Process, 2 sections each term.

Fall 1996-January 1997: Norwich University, Mont Pelier, Vermont. Online faculty for graduate program in Holistic/Transformative Education.

Publications and Articles

Weaver, Constance. Success at Last: Working with ADHD adult populations, Heinemann Publishers, 1994. Contributed two chapters.

Publisher and Editor of Children's Newspaper, "The Wave". Designed to promote literacy connections between schools and communities. Delivered to over 200 K-12 schools.

San Diego Whole Language Council Newsletter, 1993.

"A Whole Language Perspective of Bilingual Education"

"Write from the Heart: A Critique of Classroom Journaling"

Whole Language Umbrella Journal, 1994.

"Catch the Wave: Giving Voice and Text to Literacy"


Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Winter, 1996, Volume 15, number 1. "The World at our Fingertips: Creative Writers on the Net"

Whole Language Umbrella, Spring 1997, Talking Points International Journal

"Classrooms without Walls"

National Endowments for the Arts, April, 1997. http://endow.arts.gov

"The Heart of Community and the Soul of the Machine"

International Telecommunications Union: October, 1997: Forum Papers on CD Rom: Technology: The New Literacy

International Telecommunications Union, October 1999: Forum Papers on CD Rom: Life at the Bottom of a Soup Bowl: The Flavor of Online Learning Communities



1994: The Whole Language Umbrella Conference. Celebrating Diversity, San Diego, Proposal Chair and presnter of technology in the classroom to promote literacy. Co-presenter with Constance Weaver on ADHD with adult populations.

1995: The Whole Language Umbrella Conference. Windsor, Canada. Cooperative Inquiry in Qualitative Research Applications.

1996: The Whole Language Umbrella Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Emerging Technologies and the Teaching of Writing.

February, 1997: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. Seattle, Washington. Creating, Implementing and Assessing online learning communities.

March, 1997: State Board of Education presentation overview of the Creative Writers on the Net program.

April, 1997: Panel Discussion with Senator Barryman on Public Education, Equality and Excellence for All Children.

July, 1997: The Whole Language Umbrella Conference. Seattle, Washington. The World at our Fingertips: Creative Writers on the Net.

September, 1997: International Telecommunications Union, Specialized Agency of the United Nations. Panel presentation on Education and the Internet.

March 1998: Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed Conference, Omaha, Nebraska. "We are the Poets: Crossing


Boundaries" Overview of program and focus on social justice, student performance, poetic dramatization of

marginalized people and raising of consciousness. Videotaped.

August 5-7, 1998. The Third International Conference for Global Conversations on Language and Literacy,

Bordeaux,France. Technology and the Changing Nature of Literacy. Panel presentation.

March 1999: National Foundation for the Improvement of Education: Symposium on Professional Development and Technology. Invited Speaker on online communications and facilitation.


March 1999: Northern Arizona University/Web99: Speaker on 21 BEAT St. program.

October 1999: International Telecommunications Union and Telecom 99: Moderator for panel on creating Learning Communities in the Information Age.

Numerous presentations at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo College, and Kalamazoo Valley Community College as well as for local school boards and committees to demonstrate the Creative Writers on the Net program.

Organized, facilitated and participated in three research seminar retreats for Ph.D. program. Focus on qualitative research, transformative learning, learning community, postmodernism.

Special Awards and Recognitions

1981: Special Recognition Award for Juvenile Court Special Supervision Project

1990: Excellence in Education: Kalamazoo Public Schools District Award for Outstanding achievement in secondary education.

1997: Nominated and awarded Who's Who in Education publication.

2000: Nominated for Award of Distinction for dissertation research by Dr. Allen Carey-Webb.

Professional Affiliations

National Council of Teachers of English

International Reading Association

Whole Language Umbrella

Holistic Education

Founding Board Member of Michigan for Public Education http://www.ashay.com/mpe


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