A Sea Change for Ocean Literacy: Co-exploring ocean topics and issues: ocean and human health, aquaculture, seabed mapping and looking forward to change in coming years.
When: Monday 30 October 2017 – Friday 17 November 2017
Where: Online at the College of Exploration Online Campus - log in here if you have a user id or if not
Who: Presented by the European Sea Change Project partners, led by CoExploration Limited in Dorset, UK, and supported by the College of Exploration, USA and Flanders Marine Institute, Belgium.
Course Objectives
The three-part seminar series will focus on three major ocean and sea issues to highlight their societal importance in the future: ocean and human health, seabed mapping, and aquaculture. The course is designed by and for educators at both informal and formal education institutions, for all ages and at all student grade levels. Scientists, graduate students, business and government personnel and any other interested citizens from across the Atlantic are invited to participate. The course is free of charge. US students can apply for graduate credit for a fee.
The online program will include an online forum, recorded video presentations, live video conferences, resources, and the compilation of all relevant products and videos created for the Sea Change Project.
Each real -time live event will feature presentations by marine scientists who are internationally recognised experts in their disciplines. Participants have the opportunity to interact with the presenters and other particpants and to learm about ocean and human health, seabed mapping, and aquaculture.
Graduate Credit:
One US graduate credit will be available from Ashland University in Ohio USA in co-operation with the College of Exploration. A special online area for those participating for credit will include weekly assignments and require a final assignment to complete the course. To gain credit you must register with Ashland University. REGISTER HERE and pay the fee of $175 to Ashland University.
After the workshop, you will:
Have an understanding of the importance of mapping the ocean.
Know the latest plans and actions to map the seabed.
Be able to discuss the advantages and challenges of aquaculture.
Identify key aspects of the relationship between the ocean and human health.
Know more about the Sea Change project and ways to promote ocean literacy.
Register and Login
More Information
Sea Change project website: http://www.seachangeproject.eu
AORA website: https://www.atlanticresource.org/aora/
College of Exploration participation in the Sea Change Project