THE COLLEGE OF EXPLORATION and the Centers of Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE)
The College of Exploration has been a part of the National Science Foundation's COSEE program since the first NSF award for the first COSEE in 2002.
COSEE WEST and the College of Exploration. We are a part of COSEE WEST and we bring lectures presented and workshops offered in California to the web. We have also created a series of online workshops. Over 1700 educators and scientists have participated in COSEE WEST online activities here at the College of Exploration online campus since 2002.
COSEE California and the College of Exploration. We are a collaborating organization in COSEE CA for 5 years beginning in 2007. We are supporting wider participation and engagement in the Ocean Literacy efforts in K-12 curriculum and professional development.
COSEE Great Lakes and the College of Exploration. We are a part of the COSEE Great Lakes team and work with all their partners to offer online workshops. Over 1000 educators and scientists have participated in COSEE Great Lakes online activities with the College of Exploration since 2006.
COSEE Coastal Trends and the College of Exploration. TCOE Is part of the evaluation team for Coastal Trends and is supporting the COSEE with communications and technology for learning.
COSEE Central Coordinating Office and the College of Exploration For one or two COSEE Council meetings in 2007 we supported the central coordinating office of COSEE with communications counsel and technology.
COSEE Ocean Learning Communities. TCOE has provided limited support to the COSEE OLC partners at the University of Washington, Seattle Aquarium and the LIFE Center.
COSEE Gulf of Mexico. The evaluation team of TCOE provided evaluation services for the first three years of the COSEE Gulf of Mexico.