2023 Global Ocean Science Education Workshop
Sound in the Ocean
May 23-25 2023

In person only at
Graduate School of Oceanography

University of Rhode Island


The 2023 GOSE Workshop will focus on sound in the ocean, including the science of underwater sound, animal sound production and reception, and people's use of sound underwater. International regulations related to underwater sound and the technologies that use sound will also be discussed.

Participants will share ideas about what people want to know and should know about these topics and related educational strategies and resources for a variety of audiences, including students, the public, and policymakers.

More information on Sound in the Sea from the URI website.



GOSE Workshop Overview
The Global Ocean Science Education (GOSE) Workshops, facilitated by the international Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement (COSEE) and the College of
Exploration (CoE), bring together ocean scientists, education professionals, business and industry leaders, and decision makers from across the globe to foster international collaboration and partnerships and advance ocean science education and ocean literacy. The GOSE workshops also provide a forum to address ocean science issues and challenges that cross national borders.

The ​GOSE ​Workshop ​is ​the ​only ​platform ​of ​its ​kind, ​bringing ​together ​the ​ocean ​science, ​education, ​policy, ​and ​business ​sectors ​to ​improve ​ocean ​science ​education ​across ​the ​globe. 

Previous GOSE Workshops  

Credit for the image to NOAA National Geophysical Data Center http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/image/images.html



2023 Global Ocean Science Education Workshop | College of Exploration