Tropical Cloud Forest Course
with Dr. Jason Bradford; February, 2005





Course Overview

Tropical cloud forests include some of the most captivating, mysterious and still unexplored regions of our planet. Though rare on a global scale, a large fraction of Earth’s biodiversity can be found in these habitats. Their beauty and intrigue draw ecotourists and researchers to cloud forest sites. To local people, they are sacred mountains, places of retreat, and critical sources of water during dry seasons.

This course is geared towards K-12 educators and interested adults.  It will introduce the geographic and climatic conditions that produce cloud forests, present current scientific views on their biodiversity, and discuss their conservation in the context of global environmental change.  The main content will be presented as PowerPoint slides syncronized with audio and notes.  Questions and discussions will take place in an easy to use on-line environment. 

This course has been developed by Dr. Jason Bradford of the Missouri Botanical Garden on behalf of the
Andes Biodiversity Consortium, with the support of the College of Exploration, Florida Institute of Technology, Wake Forest University and University of California, Davis. Meet Dr. Bradford and the other “Instructors”.